Saturday, February 11, 2012

4 hours challenge

Here are 2 painting I did, I gave my self 4 hours each to come up with something cool.
Its a small challenge I trying to do, see if I can come out some production quality concept art work in the shorts amount of time.
Still a long way to go, but to be honest, right now I feel pretty good about it.
Soon or later when I look back.I might hate what I did but lets just enjoy the moment
I am sure you can spot a big mistake in one of the painting...I only find it out when I finish the work, because I was got carry away in the progress and forget to check the most important thing...well, what is be done is been done. let it go for now.
Hope you like the work

Thursday, February 2, 2012

new art for the game jam

I went to do a 48 hours game jam, which is kind of crazy idea if you think about it. but it was fun by the end and its also a good way to push my self. I guess i did got what i came for and I am happy to say I have push out all the art in 24 hours time which include some sleeping hours.
Not the best work yet but some good work in a very short time
Hope you like it