Wednesday, December 8, 2010

illustration for christmas Flash game

I have got a brief for an agency and they want to do a christmas game for the web site. it was for new zealand and Australia, so I got the brief there are around 6 days for me to work on the project. Even thought I was having some other work in hand, just work my ass out to finish it on time. The client seems happy about the final product, so do I, done my best with in the time limit. but feel like to have a long sleep after that. here is the art work, enjoy it

Monday, June 7, 2010

storyboard and sketch for the dancing feather

Here is the concept sketch for the Quliton toilet paper Animation TVC
Its a pretty fun experience that I working on form concept sketch to the storyboard. and its a really different experience when I working with dancer on the project as well. I think this project also help me improve a lot on my drawing side as well.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The first video for the New Zealand music award.
Its a 10 second teaser. feel so great to see some of my personal work is on the TV.
Do you believe it is home production work^^.

conept art for kraken design

some concept render for the kraken design. some of it is more for the visualization. I was trying to create the visual element for the final animation that going to be show for the event night. Which is what have you seen. but the final vision will be much bigger or better lol. Just personally I think some of the render can be better but whatever works...and there are only so much time for me to produce the work and also have to get on the production side of work.Its the best I can do in the time limit.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

sketch of kraken design for juice TV

Its very lucky for me and my brother, we are able to work on the Juice TVC for the New Zealand music month. Start with the brief from the director, he like to have a sea monster thing for this Ads so we figure kraken is the best character for it. Here are some image for the design progress. There are a lot of different looks for this, and its pretty lucky I have nail it down in one week time. and give us a lot of time to work on the production work.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

concept art for my Sky Ads

Sky TV ad coming when I was working in Toybox, It was a pretty fun thing to do even though they decide to use life action footage to replace the drawing one. It was a pretty fun time to just do those drawings. and some storyboard as well. I was working with a very experience animator at the time. He has been drawing for the 30 years of his life. A super heavy weight animator, who finish almost everything that I was still working on in one afternoon. Lucky it was a team work not a competition.The good thing to work with such experience person is you can learn a lot for him, his work flow, and even his philosophy. He said, don't give up on something you love, which just like him, and thats the reason he is so good at what he is doing....well another 30 years to go for me. Here are some work I have done at the time. Some fine render and some sketch.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

character concept art for my story

As usual, I am thinking about another new story again, I have not yet put down in words as I always come up with character first. so here are some idea for my characters, and this time story will happen in a place like china in 1800 AD. still with empire and how a young teenager will become a ku-fu master? Here are some image, please check it out.